Simon Lewis, played by Alberto Rosende, is no doubt the best actor so far. Unlike some of the other actors, he seemed to have settled into his role very easily and delivered each line just the way I imagined Simon would. He had some hilarious lines and everything about him was the Simon Lewis I had imagined. Alberto's acting really stole the show and I loved the way we could see the relationship he has with Clary, Jocelyn and Luke when he simply wandered into their home as though it was his own. For anyone who hadn't read the books before watching the show, it would be incredibly easy to see how close Simon and Clary are. Kat McNamara, who plays Clary Fray, actually surprised me in these episodes. I'll admit that I wasn't one hundred percent certain about her acting when we saw the opening seven minutes but she seemed to have settled into the character by the second episode and I genuinely felt for her when she was crying over Jocelyn's disappearance. I'm still not completely blown away by Maxim Roy's (Jocelyn Fray) acting so I hope that she also settles into her role as the series goes on. Alan Van Sprang (Valentine Morgenstern) didn't have some incredible lines but he managed to deliver them in a way that made them a lot more believable than they were written.

I will say that the effects were debatable. Pink sparkles as Clary went through the portal? Gold glitter when the demons are killed? I guess, however, the CGI is something that can only get better if the show is renewed with a higher budget. The lines made me laugh, the chemistry between the actors was so nice to watch and, even if it isn't the greatest TV show ever created, it's entertaining and exciting to see progress.